Trip Date: 7.21.2002

It's a fun trail, it has super easy (dirt road, subaru style) trails, and branch
offs that range from mild to wild, and the scenery is gorgeous to boot!
ACCESS: Exit I-70 at
Fall River Road (Exit 238) and head Northwest to the town of Alice on CR 275.
Turn Left on Alice Road and stay right at the fork in the road in front of the
old schoolhouse. Stay on this road till you get 1/4 mile past the restored Glory
Hole. Turn right at the sign for Loch Lomond. The lake is 2 miles up FDR701.
moderate trail (rating: 5 ). As always rocker protection is recommended.

If you see this sign, you are at Loch
Lomond trailhead.

Bumping road!

Great view from the trail.

The destination is a beautiful lake..