we found: Geocaching
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Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for gps users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a gps unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache. |
Mile Creek Cache It is a nice place with lots of trees and only for hiking for short. Definitely no one will find it in accident! *^_^* The cache was all wet. We took everything out and dried them out by put them on the log under the sun. Took nothing, left 4 quaters. The campground is a good place to stay. We took one of the 4WD trails in the national forest. The view was great. There were lots of aspen but only few turn into gold. That will be very beautiful if come after 2 or 3 weeks. Fun to be here! Good cache! Thanks! |
Geocache Ooops, we almost walked into the private land. :) 7 Taiwanese guys were enjoying hiking among trees. It was like walking in a maze when we took around the trees. It was cool and fun to get the 2nd cache location from the 1st cache. Both were in good condition! Took nothing, left nothing. Good hunting! Thanks! |
Cabin 2nd cache today for us 7 Taiwanese guys. It was a horse trail!!!! Must be careful to watch out the horse turd. Some is still fresh. *^_^* It was about one mile hiking with good view. Saw the cabin and got on the big rock near the cache under a log. Cache was in good condition, but the camera is full. Took a knife, photo frame, left a crayon, dolphin sticks, and a penny key chain. Fun geocache! Thanks! |
cache We are the 6 guys, Chingchang, Brian, Naichin, Kevin, Ina and Pat, from Taiwan. We just got the cave before The Nelson's, around 2:00pm. It took a while for us to find the nearst parking space and climb straight up to the mountain. It was not too difficult to find the fissure of the cave. There are couples of entrances with the white arrows on the rocks. The main entrance is a deep hole. That's not a easy way to get down. After a while, we found a small hole left next to the main entrance and climbed down the cave. Wow~~~ it is a really cool place to hide from the heat. The big rock was jumping into our eyes when we just got into the samll room. The container was under the big rock and well covered by couples of small rocks. We took a candle, CD, AAA bateries, and fishing hook, and put a watch, a cute necklace, and a decoration for cell phone.(All these 3 are from Taiwan.) This is a really cool and great geocaching! Thanks Vader!!!
Glacier After the cave cache, this is the second cache today. This is a great hike with beautiful view. The cache is in good condition and set between rocks. However, it seems that it is very easy to be found. When we got there, there were 5 guys there already. However, they were only hikers and found the cache in accident. We slided down the glacier because of the raining cloud was chasing us. It was fun! Great cache and great view! Thanks! |
Jack This is our first attempt on Geocaching game. We didn't really expect to climb up to the peak, but seemed like there is no trail going up there (or we just didn't find one); so we followed the readings on GPS, and it took us right up to it (well, not really). Thin air makes the hike a little bit tough, but eventually all four of us (Ching-chang, Yi-chun, Yiing-ti, and Nai-chin) made it to the top and enjoyed the view up here. We left a watch in exchange for a bottle of whiskey and several batteries. Cache is in good shape and well covered. |
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